Author: Eric D. Burdo Page 3 of 6

Ektron upgrade from 8.6.1 to 9.1 “Reference.svcmap” error

I recently upgraded Ektron from v8.6.1 to v9.1 SP1. After the upgrade when I tried to view the website, or run the project in Visual Studio I got the following error:

Parser Error Message: Reference.svcmap: Could not load file or assembly 'Ektron.Cms.Contracts, Version=8.6.1.xx, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=559a2c4fa21e63be' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

After much headache and many long emails back and forth with Ektron Support, I finally found an article that got me headed in the right direction.

Follow the link above for screenshots and details.

The basics are:

  1. Edit your Web Reference.
  2. Go into the Advanced tab.
  3. Clear the “Reuse types in referenced assemblies” checkbox and OK.

Converting to a specific timezone inside SSRS

In Microsoft Report Studio (SSRS), we needed to convert to a specific timezone, instead of the more common “Convert to Local Timezone”.

Here is how to do that.

First you MUST include a reference to System.Core.

Then, put this into an expression. The Fields!SomeDate.Value is my date field in SSRS.


=System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(Fields!SomeDate.Value, System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time") )

VOILA! It now converts from the UTC date, to the Eastern Standard Time. There are many time zones you can choose from.

Progress Report #3

Report #3. I didn’t completely everything on my 2nd list.

  • I didn’t get the photos taken, or uploaded, of my LEGO creation.
  • I didn’t get started on any of the ecommerce package.
  • I never even touched the IM template I was building.

However, I did get some extra shoveling done, took a friend out to dinner, and we also had a Sunday School Soup dinner fundraiser that I was organizing and running (and I completely forgot about when I made my last list).

I also have a new work schedule, so I’m going to be headed to work 30 minutes earlier, and get out 30 minutes earlier. That should give me a bit more time in the evenings now.

  1. Work more on the CBT items I need to make.
  2. Install some games and OS updates on the kids computer.
  3. Start pulling all the receipts out of GMail for my business expenses for 2010
  4. Return my daughters broken camera for a replacement
  5. Install shelves in my office closet

Comparing Yourself to Others

In the Entrepreneur world… you often have to worry about competitors. It’s a fact of doing business. How you worry about your competitors, is where you can excel, or die.

I’ve recently been reading The Element (it’s not really about business, or work, or such… it’s about finding what your passion is… your element.)

In the book, there was a quote, that said:

Don’t compare your work to others. You’ll either feel intimidated, or you’ll copy.

Thinking about that… I realized something. They’re right. Yes, you may need to worry about your competition (you don’t want to open a new Fast Food restaurant right next door to the local McD’s, and across the street from the BK). But you don’t want to compare yourself to them. If you do… exactly what I said above will happen.

You don’t want to feel intimidated… cause then you do poor work, or don’t work at all, and your business goes down the tubes.

You don’t want to copy… cause that means you aren’t innovating. You aren’t original. You aren’t unique.

Progress Report 2

Well, I did everything on my prior progress report. So that’s a nice feeling. I even did a few extra things (because of the job, we switched banks, so I’ve been migrating all my payments and such over to the new bank).

  1. Finish, test and launch a new template for my IM endeavors.
  2. Start work for a client, testing some software, and creating CBT courses for it.
  3. Go to BAND – Windows 7 Phone development is the topic.
  4. Start the research and training for my first Blueprint Black store.
  5. Read more of The Element – and blog some of my findings.
  6. Research the Kindle
    … and put together a budget on how to acquire one!
  7. Photograph and publish my new LEGO castle creation. This will be the first time I’ve ever photographed and published it……

Progress Report #1b

Well, it’s Wednesday, so here is the mid-week report.

1) Still haven’t removed the car yet.
2) Adult Ed – they contacted me, and we got teaching settled (I’m not teaching this semester)
3) Went to the Christmas Party for SS Staff… ate to much food, but had a good time.
4) Haven’t got the budget yet… Miranda will do the first draft, and I review it with her. Payday isn’t until Friday (to see what my bi-weekly check will be).
5) Started reading The Element… excellent book, put it on your reading list… :)

So far… it’s going well. A few other surprises this week (nice ones)…

Let’s see – today was a “half snow day”. Got out earlier due to the weather. I made a good sale on the Blueprint Black affiliate promotion. Finalized a contract, so that continues this month, and potentially I have a 2nd contract. Not sure on that one yet.

I’ll post again Sunday or Monday with the status of this list, and a new list for the week.

Progress Report #1

OK… it’s time to get on the ball. I’m new to this, so here’s my first shot at posting my progress reports. Let’s hope I can end the year with 52 of them… ;)

This week I will:

  1. Remove my “dead” red car from the insurance
  2. contact the local Adult Ed group I often teach for, and tell them I can’t teach this year *
  3. Go to “Christmas” party for SS staff
  4. Review new household budget (following Dave Ramsey – I’m the “free thinker” in the team)
  5. Start reading The Element

* I’m getting rather busy. New job started on the 20th of Dec. Plus 1, maybe 2 contracts. Plus my internet marketing endeavors.

** Yes… many of these were copied from my wife’s Personal Progress Report #1. What can I say… we’re married… it happens.

My List for 2011, and some new projects

My wife and her sister started a new site last month. It’s official launch date, is Jan 1st, 2011.

It’s called HerRESOLUTION. It’s primarily geared towards women… but the concepts apply to everyone.

They have a Progress Program that they created… to help you pick real goals, and then to meet them.

So… I decided to post my own. I’m using the Progress Program found on the website. (I’m sort of a honorary, member (the resident Geek))

  1. Work and Business –Start 2 ECommerce stores, using the Blueprint Project, Black Edition system.
  2. Work and Business –Expand my online income to averaging $30 per day (excluding the new ECommerce stores from Item 1).
  3. Health and Fitness – Lose 3 pounds per month. I think I can do more than that, but I want to stay “realistic”.
  4. Education – Get at least one Microsoft Certification
  5. Education – Retake the “Pistol Safety Course” and get my concealed weapons permit again.
  6. Finance – Pay off all my credit cards (big step).
  7. Family – Take a good vacation… preferably on a boat or a train (the kids have been on neither).
  8. Spiritual – Start a puppet/skits ministry
  9. Home – Setup shelves and storage in my office.
  10. Fun –Buy a geek toy (iPad, iPod Touch, Nintendo 3DS, Kindle, etc)

There you go… that’s my starter list. I’ll start work on these in 2011. And I’ll try to keep my progress posted here.

BAND – Visual Studio Launch Event!

Come out to the July BAND gig on Tuesday, July 27 at 6 pm and enjoy THREE talks on Visual Studio 2010!

There will be pizza, soda, networking with peers and talks on how to make the best use of the development tool(s) we use daily.

  • Talk #1 will be about what’s new in building ASP.NET sites in Visual Studio.
  • Talk #2 will be about Visual Studio 2010 Extensions: how to get them, some of the cool ones, and how to update the ones you have.
  • Talk #3 will be about C# .NET 4.0 language features — lots of good new stuff there!

You will leave full of good and practical info on using Visual Studio 2010, and will likely walk away with a goodie or two! There will be GIVEAWAYS at the end, from hardware to software, and lot of other things.

So come join the fun, learn about some of the best parts of the new tools, and make it an evening with others like you!

Sign up at the Bangor Developers website.

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