Well, it’s Wednesday, so here is the mid-week report.

1) Still haven’t removed the car yet.
2) Adult Ed – they contacted me, and we got teaching settled (I’m not teaching this semester)
3) Went to the Christmas Party for SS Staff… ate to much food, but had a good time.
4) Haven’t got the budget yet… Miranda will do the first draft, and I review it with her. Payday isn’t until Friday (to see what my bi-weekly check will be).
5) Started reading The Element… excellent book, put it on your reading list… :)

So far… it’s going well. A few other surprises this week (nice ones)…

Let’s see – today was a “half snow day”. Got out earlier due to the weather. I made a good sale on the Blueprint Black affiliate promotion. Finalized a contract, so that continues this month, and potentially I have a 2nd contract. Not sure on that one yet.

I’ll post again Sunday or Monday with the status of this list, and a new list for the week.