In the Entrepreneur world… you often have to worry about competitors. It’s a fact of doing business. How you worry about your competitors, is where you can excel, or die.

I’ve recently been reading The Element (it’s not really about business, or work, or such… it’s about finding what your passion is… your element.)

In the book, there was a quote, that said:

Don’t compare your work to others. You’ll either feel intimidated, or you’ll copy.

Thinking about that… I realized something. They’re right. Yes, you may need to worry about your competition (you don’t want to open a new Fast Food restaurant right next door to the local McD’s, and across the street from the BK). But you don’t want to compare yourself to them. If you do… exactly what I said above will happen.

You don’t want to feel intimidated… cause then you do poor work, or don’t work at all, and your business goes down the tubes.

You don’t want to copy… cause that means you aren’t innovating. You aren’t original. You aren’t unique.